Retainers vs Dental Braces

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retainers vs dental braces

The choices available for achieving a flawless smile can be quite overwhelming. Two of the most common orthodontic treatments are retainers and dental braces. While both may be offered to improve dental alignment by your professional dentist near you, each serves different purposes and functions. Understanding the differences between retainers and braces can help you decide which treatment best suits your needs.

What are Braces?

Braces are orthodontic appliances that dentists offer to straighten crooked or misaligned teeth. They’re made of small metal pieces called brackets and thin wires. Dentists glue these brackets onto the teeth and then thread the wires through them to gradually move the teeth into the correct position.

Over time, braces apply gentle pressure to move the teeth into the right positions. This helps to fix dental issues like crooked teeth, gaps, or when the top and bottom teeth don’t fit together correctly (called a bite issue).

Braces are effective and involve regular professional adjustments to tighten the wires. Orthodontists carefully monitor the progress of teeth braces before and after the treatment to make necessary adjustments to achieve the best possible alignment.

This gradual process ensures that teeth are moved into their correct positions step by step, resulting in a beautifully aligned smile.

What are Retainers?

Retainers are special devices used after braces are taken off. They are designed to maintain the position of the teeth once they have been straightened with braces. Retainers can be made of plastic, metal wires, or both. They are even custom-made to fit the shape of your mouth and teeth.

After braces are removed, teeth can sometimes shift back to their original positions. Retainers help prevent this movement, they need to be worn all day initially. Later, your orthodontics may suggest wearing them only at night. Consistent use of retainers is crucial for maintaining straight teeth and a healthy smile after orthodontic treatment.

Key Differences Between Retainers and Braces


  • Braces are used to actively straighten teeth by applying constant pressure over time. They’re crucial for fixing crooked teeth, gaps, and bite problems.
  • Retainers maintain teeth in their new positions after braces have finished aligning them.


  • Braces consist of metal brackets and wires fixed to the teeth and cannot be removed.
  • Retainers are often made of plastic or a mix of plastic and metal and can be removed from the mouth.

Wear Time

  • Braces are mostly worn for several months to a few years, depending on the complexity of the tooth alignment issues.
  • Retainers might start with full-time wear, even during sleep, and later, they’re often worn only at night or as directed by the orthodontist.


  • Braces need regular adjustments by the orthodontist to tighten the wires and keep shifting the teeth into the correct places.
  • Retainers usually don’t need adjustments once they’re fitted.


  • Braces are visible because they’re attached to the front of the teeth and can be seen when a person smiles.
  • Some retainers, especially clear ones or those worn behind the teeth, are less noticeable.


  • At first, braces may feel uncomfortable and cause soreness as they start moving the teeth. However, patients usually adjust over time.
  • Retainers usually become more comfortable after the initial adjustment period. Compared to braces, they generally cause less discomfort overall.

Overall, braces and retainers are crucial in orthodontic treatment. However, orthodontic braces for adults and children are necessary to repair teeth alignment issues, while retainers maintain the progress made with braces over time. Understanding these differences helps patients and families better understand the orthodontic process.

Achieve Your Best Smile at Our Dental Clinic!

We specialize in expert orthodontic care at Laurentian Dental Center to help you achieve a healthy, straight smile. Our team of orthodontists and dentists in Kitchener provide personalized care for every patient. Whether you’re considering orthodontic treatment or need assistance with retainers, you can rely on us for gentle and comprehensive dental solutions.

Visit today so we can take care of your dental needs!